Is there a cost to use your service ?
There are no costs or hidden fees when using Dev Transport®. You simply pay for the shipping costs on the freight you move.
Where can i ship my products to ?
We can ship anywhere within India.
Why does a larger vehicle cost more to ship ?
Larger automobiles require a lot more room on a transport truck than standard passenger cars do. Due to the fact that these trucks are so large, they require the area typically occupied by two cars, necessitating a gradual increase in the charge. This category includes full-size trucks, vans, SUVs, and numerous other vehicles.
I already use a transporter for my vehicles, why would I use Dev Transport ?
With a strong emphasis on satisfying customer delivery demands, Dev Transport is the industry leader in moving automobiles anywhere in the world. We have grown to be INDIA's leading automobile logistics company thanks to our meticulous attention to detail and first-rate service.
How long should it take to ship my vehicle ?
All transportation firms are unable to guarantee the delivery date due to weather, traffic, road conditions, and other unforeseen circumstances; nevertheless, we will give you a clear delivery estimate throughout the order process. Dev Transport can promise that our staff will work extremely hard to ensure that your Product is delivered within the estimated time frame they provide you with and that they will keep you updated along the route.
How long should it take to ship my vehicle ?
The majority of transport vehicles are long and broad, making it difficult for them to enter any business or residential zones. If your authorised carrier is unable to arrive at your location, we will arrange for your product to be loaded and unloaded at a nearby, secure, well-lit area.